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Świętujemy 25 lat doskonałości: Zakład AIM Solder w Meksyku wyznacza kamień milowy

Cranston, Rhode Island USA – AIM Solder, a leading global manufacturer of solder assembly materials for the electronics industry, is proud to celebrate the 25th anniversary of AIM-Soldadura de Mexico, our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Juarez, Mexico. This milestone marks a quarter-century of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to the electronics assembly industry.

Since its inception, AIM-Soldadura de Mexico has been at the forefront of manufacturing excellence. Established as the first manufacturer of advanced technology solder pastes and fluxes in Mexico, the facility has consistently met the highest standards of quality and innovation. Over the years, it has expanded its capabilities to include the production of AIM’s high-purity Electropure™ and IPC grades of bar solder, serving customers throughout Mexico and the border areas.

One of the unique aspects of AIM-Soldadura de Mexico is its dedication to local sourcing and production. All raw materials are sourced and processed within Mexico, ensuring a fully integrated supply chain that supports local industry and reduces environmental impact. This commitment to local production not only enhances the quality and reliability of our products but also reinforces AIM’s dedication to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Today, AIM-Soldadura de Mexico is the largest of AIM’s global facilities in terms of workforce, reflecting its pivotal role in global operations. Moreover, the facility is expanding! A new building is currently under construction, which will further increase production capacity and enhance AIM’s ability to serve the growing demands of the electronics assembly industry. 

“AIM-Soldadura de Mexico has been a cornerstone of our operations for 25 years,” said Rick Black, President of AIM. “Our continued growth and success in this region are a direct result of the hard work and dedication of our local team. We are thrilled to be expanding our facility and look forward to many more years of serving our customers with the highest standards of quality and support.”

As we celebrate this milestone, AIM remains committed to providing superior products backed by unparalleled technical support. Our mission is to offer innovative and reliable solutions that meet the evolving needs of the electronics industry, and our vision is to be the preferred partner for solder assembly materials worldwide.


AIM Solder, z siedzibą w Montrealu w Kanadzie, jest wiodącym globalnym producentem materiałów montażowych dla przemysłu elektronicznego, posiadającym zakłady produkcyjne, dystrybucyjne i pomocnicze zlokalizowane na całym świecie. AIM produkuje zaawansowane produkty lutownicze, takie jak pasta lutownicza, płynny topnik, drut rdzeniowy, lutowie prętowe, epoksydy, bezołowiowe i bezhalogenowe produkty lutownicze oraz stopy specjalne, takie jak ind i złoto, dla szerokiego zakresu branż. AIM, zdobywca wielu prestiżowych nagród w branży SMT, jest mocno zaangażowany w innowacyjne badania i rozwój produktów oraz ulepszanie procesów, a także zapewnianie klientom doskonałego wsparcia technicznego, usług i szkoleń. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat pełnej linii zaawansowanych produktów lutowniczych AIM i globalnych usług technicznych, odwiedź stronę www.aimsolder.com

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