AIM Solder Paste

Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

AIM Solder Paste

AIM’s complete line of solder paste has been developed to deliver robust performance, ease of use and cost effectiveness. AIM solder pastes resolve difficult issues including QFN voiding, low area ratio printing, and high reliability requirements for consumer, LED, automotive, aerospace and military applications.

AIM solder paste is available in no clean, water soluble, and RMA formulations with a wide variety of alloy powder sizes and offerings including AIM’s proven REL alloys, SAC, SN100C® and lead-based solders. AIM’s alloy and flux combinations provide high quality performance for a wide variety of SMT applications. In addition to SAC based SMT paste, AIM offers low temperature solder paste and jetting solder paste.

Solder paste being applied via squeegee

Solder Paste Selection Guide:

Product Flux Type Available Powder Sizes* Standard Alloys* Dispensing Capability Product Attributes
NC273LT No Clean T4 Sn/Bi Alloys ✓ Yes Used for low or reduced temperature applications | Improved wetting for use with bismuth alloys | 8+ hour stencil life
M8 No Clean T4 - T6 REL22™, REL61™, SAC Alloys, SN100C, Sn/Pb Alloys, Sn/Cu Alloys ✓ Yes Low voiding | Fine pitch printing | Mitigates print defects (HiP) | Minimal, transparent, and easy to clean residues
J8 No Clean T6 SAC Alloys, Sn/Pb Alloys ✓ Jetting Low voiding | No skips | Capable of 200μm deposits
NC257MD No Clean T5 SAC305, Sn63/Pb37 ✓ Jetting For use in Mycronic Jet Printers | Prolongs ejector life | Reduces voiding
NC259FPA No Clean T6 and finer SAC305, SN100C No Precise print definition with Type 6 and smaller alloy powder | Clear flux residue | Nitrogen reflow recommended | Zero halogen
W20 Water Soluble T4 SAC305 No Halogen/Halide Free | Residue easily cleaned in DI Water | 8+ hour stencil life | 2+ week extended cleaning window
WS488 Water Soluble T4 SAC Alloys, Sn/Pb Alloys ✓ Yes Excellent wetting | Residue easily cleaned in DI water | Superior slump resistance | 8+ hour stencil life
RMA258-15R Rosin T4 SAC Alloys, Sn/Pb Alloys ✓ Yes Long pause-to-print capabilities | Reduced voiding | For use during long, hot reflow profiles
V9 No Clean T4 SAC305 No Low-Voiding | Consistent Printing with Area Ratio <0.66 | High Reliability (SIR) | REACH and RoHS Compliant
H10 No Clean T4, T5 SAC305, REL22™, REL61™ No Zero Halogen/Halide | High Reliability | Low Voiding | Print Capability to 0.50AR with T4

*Additional powder sizes may be available upon request.

Solder Powder Size Quick Guide:

AIM Solder Pastes come in different powder sizes, ranging from Type 3 to Type 7. 

Type Size (µm) Lower Limit of Stencil Aperture* Use Cases
Type 3 25-45 µm  225 µm  0402s and larger
Type 4 20-38 µm  190 µm  Industry standard; 0201s, 0.5mm BGAs 
Type 5  15-25 µm  125 µm µBGAs, 01005s 
Type 6 5-15 µm 75 µm  MicroLEDs, advanced SiP 
Type 7 2-11 µm  55 µm  Micro/nano devices 

*Per 5-ball rule 

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